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These were shot with an Olympus OM1 (35mm SLR) with a few different lens set-ups a 50mm, with a doubler, and 25mm extension tube a 75-235mm zoom lens and a 500mm all were set up using the Olympus "auto-bellows" rig, for the really close up ones I used 400 ASA speed film, on a very bright day, but used my patio shade to soften it up

The Gold band just above the black hull is done with "Chartpak" tape. its tough to get this these days with all the desktop publishing going on these days, but the 1/32" size is perfect, if you can find it.

The people show a bit better in this group, as does the deck chairs and lounges. They are all from the Gold Medal aftermarket pieces, which I recommend. Get them all, as they really add to the detailing of the kit.

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