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Quadrant. A casting, forging or built up frame in the shape of a sector of a circle attached to the rudder stock and through which the steering gear leads turn the rudder. The hub of the quadrant is bored and keyed to fit the rudder stock. It may be in two pieces clamped together by bolts or in one piece, in which case it must be slipped down over the end of the stock. The rim of the quadrant is provided with two grooves to take the steering chains or ropes and it should be designed with sufficient length of arc so that the leads are tangential to the rim at all angles of the rudder.

Quadrant. A reflecting hand navigating instrument, constructed on the same principle as the sextant, but with a shorter limb, measuring angles up to 90 degrees only. If named on the same principle as the sextant, it would be called an octant, and this name has been given to the metal-framed instruments manufactured in recent years. Quadrants have, generally, a wooden frame with an inlaid ivory limb and were formerly very much larger than the present quadrants or octants. A part of the reversing gear on a reciprocating marine engine. A fourth part of a circle or its circumference.

Quadruple Riveting. See Riveting, Quadruple.

Quarter. The part of a yard just outside the slings; the upper part of a vessel’s sides near the stern; portions of a vessel’s sides about midway between the stem and the middle and between the middle and the stern.

Quarters. Living spaces for passengers or personnel. It includes state rooms, dining saloons, mess rooms, lounging places, passages connected with the fore-going, etc.; individual stations for personnel for fire or boat drill, etc.

Quarter Deck. See Deck, Quarter.

Quarter Deck Sheerstrake. The strake of outside plating adjacent to the quarter deck.

Quarter Deck Stringer. See Stringer, Quarter Deck.

Quarter Deck Stringer Bar. See Stringer Bar.

Quarter Iron. A metal ring or hoop fitted on the yard arm at the quarter through which a studding sail traverses and is held down at its inner end when rigged out.

Quarter Master. An under officer of a ship’s crew who steers the ship and has charge of the navigating instruments.

Quarter Pillar. See Pillar, Quarter.

Quarterman. An under foreman. A term generally restricted to the navy yards.

Quay. An artificial wall or bank usually of stone, made toward the sea at the side of a harbor or river for convenience in loading and unloading vessels.

Quicken. To lessen the radius of a curve or make it sharper; to snub; e. g. to quicken a waterline is to make its curvature more pronounced.

Quintant. An instrument allied to the Quadrant, used for measuring angles, and normally made of brass with a platinum scale.


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