Robert Hahn Titanic CAD Plans

The plans featured below are recommended for scratchbuilders or anyone in general who is interested
in the accurate technical side of the ships.

Robert Hahn / Bruce Beveridge Titanic CAD Plans

The plans are available in three sizes and are actual plots not photocopies.

Full set, 1/144 and 1/192 $160.00 each plus $10.00 Shipping and handling.

1/100th $180.00 plus $10.00 Shipping and handling

Page one only, Shows the starboard profile, overhead, bow and stern 1/144 and 1/192 $50.00 plus 10.00 shipping and handling

Page one only 1/100 $60.00 plus $10.00 shipping and handling

1/350th plans do not show the fore and aft projections or the hull frames for scratchbuilding. The 1/350th plan is on one page and was designed as a tool to assist the Minicraft modeler in super-detailing the plastic model kit. $75.00 includes shipping.


For more information, you can also visit Robert Hahn's home page at

A detailed review by Bruce Beveridge is included here. You can also read a review by Scott Andrews.

I have been researching the Titanic’s structures for some time now just like many of the people on the message board. We have been able to stand on the shoulders of other researchers who have preceded us. I think it is important to give credit where credit is due especially in a case where the student has become the instructor. We must never forget where we started.

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At some point, the information grows to a level where the researcher needs to find some sort of visual media to establish his finds. Some of us have found that articles, web pages, inventory and tutorial guides are good sources to place the results of hours and hours of hard work. All of this in the hope that someday others may be able to use these sources of information to learn from, and use, for the preservation of the memory of the Titanic. In this forum, the goal of many of us is to build the most accurate representation of the Titanic that our skills will allow.

In February of this year I noticed a post on the message board inquiring as to opinions of a set of Titanic plans drawn by Robert Hahn in Germany. I read this message and linked into Roberts web site where he displayed sections of his plans that he was selling. I typed out my usual critical response after viewing Roberts web page without much response from the message board. Two days later, I received a message in my personal E-mail box from Robert saying "Sorry I didn’t ad the rivets!". This message was the start of what would become months and months of eye straining research and a good friendship. Robert asked me to review his plans for accuracy and to give any opinions I may have on his plans, and he really meant, my honest opinions. I was really surprised at all of the things Robert had found. The original set of plans that he sent me were very good. In fact the main structures of the plans like the deckhouses and the hull remain unchanged from the originals. After the first review of the plans, Robert and I got to know one another much better and he found that my photograph and book collection held the keys to uncovering a lot of questionable areas and structures of the Titanic. On my side of the ocean, I researched everything over again. Every find listed on the message board was reviewed ,verified for accuracy or corrected. Robert and I played E-mail tag every day for nearly five months. In the process Robert and I found new things on the Titanic that were never previously given much attention to. The ventilating system was completely re-researched. We even found some new duct variations that had previously gone unnoticed. During the time of my research for Roberts plans, I received some new photographs from Europe that brought about more finds and clarifications of old ones. The research on the Titanic is a never ending saga. Robert and I found some things even up until the week before we thought we were finally done with the master set of plans. Robert and I argued over a lot of areas of the decks, spent hours on the phone together and mailed papers back and fourth like pen pals. The end result are a set of plans that are truly Roberts and show a style of drawing that are unique to his talent.

We have come to the pinnacle of our research. A partnership has grown out of this experience that we decided to keep secret from the message boards and the public until after the final product was done and finally approved by me. Robert was so gracious to add my name on his new set of revised plans as an assistant. Anyone that knows me, knows that if it has my name on it, it better be good. Roberts plans are like a written book that was a culmination of two years of research and I was asked to be the editor.

These plans are truly the most detailed plans available for the modeler, hobbyist or Titanic enthusiast. They incorporate all of the details discussed on the message boards that fall within reason of showing on a set of plans at this scale. The first page showing the starboard profile, over head, bow and stern are impressive enough to frame and can be bought separately. The deckhouses are shown in detail with five sides. The hull is drawn in easy cross sections to facilitate the scratchbuilder. The forecastle and poop decks have all structures incorporated such as the steam control wheels ,waterways and even the portable telephone mounts. The well decks show the removable gangway doors and the fair lead rollers as well as other pertinent structures. Included is a detailed vent and cowl orientation guide showing each vent on all four sides. I made every attempt to have Robert add as much detail as possible. I will not call these plans "definitive" as there are no definitive plans just as there is no definitive model. I will say that they are the best available! These plans are the culmination of all my research. They are my web page and my inventory guide. They are the form of media that I chose to be the carrier of my work.

Bruce Beveridge

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